The Archaeological museum of Atalandi

The building has been characterized as a historical preserved monument. In three of its main chambers and in the main hall, are hosted archaeological findings from the excavations of Lokrida area and the north-east section of ancient Fokida.

The exhibits represent all eras, from the pre-historical till Roman times.  Along the Museum’s hallway are stone objects, most of them headstones and only one statue-the body of a roman general but also stone tools and other objects of daily use, such as winches,  millstones, graters and wine pressers. On a table and on shelves are presented utensils of everyday life, such as dishes, cups, drinking, serving and cooking vessels as well as storing containers. Finally, there is a roman times marble column with a couple’s bust, possibly from a headstone.
Cynos is mentioned by Homer as one of the eastern Lokris cities that took part in the Trojan crusade (Iliad, II, 531-533). Eastern Lokris was part of the Mycenaean civilization and Cynos was its most important port that, according to ancient references, was populated by Defkalion and Pyrra (Stravon IX, 4, 2) or by hero Lokro, who named the area after him. On a low seaside hill, in the location of Pyrgos or Pati, near Livanates beach, on the north-east of today’s village, ruins appear to be related to the ancient homerian city of Cyno, the most important port of Opountia Lokris. Excavating research on the north-western part of the hill shows that the location was repeatedly used from Early Times Bronze Age (3000-2800 BC) till Byzantium (5th-6th cent. AC).
The importance of Cynos is confirmed by its location as well as by the area’s findings. Aias Lokros is a legendary hero of Lokris, who shined through Trojan war.